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- Triceps reflex examinationTriceps reflex examination
- Muscles and nerves involved with Cervicobrachial SyndromeMuscles and nerves involved with Cervicobrachial Syndrome
- Extensor Carpi Radialis ReflexExtensor Carpi Radialis Reflex
- Transport of T4 and T3 through the blood-brain-barrierTransport of T4 and T3 through the...
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- plantar reflex-Babinski´s signplantar reflex-Babinski´s sign
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- lateral view of the thyroid gland with blood and nerve supplylateral view of the thyroid gland with...
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- cervical prolapscervical prolaps
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- the limbic systemthe limbic system
- prolapsed disc and recurrent meningeal nerves, sinuvertebral nerves, or recurrent nerves of Luschkaprolapsed disc and recurrent meningeal nerves, sinuvertebral...
- interlaminar and transforaminal Epidural injection in with herniated diskinterlaminar and transforaminal Epidural injection in with...
- epidural injection in sacral hiatus with herniated disk S2epidural injection in sacral hiatus with herniated...
- Caudal epidural injection techniqueCaudal epidural injection technique
- Interlaminar and transforaminal epidural injection techniqueInterlaminar and transforaminal epidural injection technique
- lateral view of brain in a femalelateral view of brain in a female
- sagital section of brain in a femalesagital section of brain in a female
- lateral view of cerebral lobes of brainlateral view of cerebral lobes of brain
- Lateral view of brain with major sensory, motor and association areas of cotexLateral view of brain with major sensory,...
- lateral view of brain within the skull of a femalelateral view of brain within the skull...
- nerve innervation of the pelvic region of a malenerve innervation of the pelvic region of...
- sacral nerves in pelvissacral nerves in pelvis
- digital blockade of fingerdigital blockade of finger
- motor nerve cellmotor nerve cell
- Pathway for embolism to the brainPathway for embolism to the brain
- Sciatic nerve painSciatic nerve pain
- Coronal section showing normal brain on the left and a brain affected with Alzheimer´s on the rightCoronal section showing normal brain on the...
- Lateral view of the brain showing blood supplyLateral view of the brain showing blood...
- Registration of EEG (electroencephalogram) during anethesiaRegistration of EEG (electroencephalogram) during anethesia
- trigeminal neuralgiatrigeminal neuralgia
- The meninges of the brain; dura mater, arachnoid, and pia materThe meninges of the brain; dura mater,...
- subarachnoid hemorrhage / bleeding (stroke)subarachnoid hemorrhage / bleeding (stroke)
- Lateral viw of the brain showing the ventriclesLateral viw of the brain showing the...
- Lateral veiw of the brain showing major sensory, motor and association areas of the cortexLateral veiw of the brain showing major...
- Lateral view of the brain with branches of the left middle cerebral artery on the brain surface in aLateral view of the brain with branches...
- A shunt from the lateral ventricle to the peritoneal cavity to treat an infant with hydrocephalusA shunt from the lateral ventricle to...
- Circulation of cerebrolspinal fluidCirculation of cerebrolspinal fluid
- Anterior view of the circulatory system and the nervous systemAnterior view of the circulatory system and...
- Lateral veiw of the brain showing major sensory, motor and association areas of the cortexLateral veiw of the brain showing major...
- Network of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve cells joined with synapses and on nerve cell connectedNetwork of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve cells...
- The action of levodopa (orange pill) and dopamine antagonist (yellow pill) on a synaps in the basalThe action of levodopa (orange pill) and...
- Lateral veiw of the brainLateral veiw of the brain
- Position of a patient during a spinal tapPosition of a patient during a spinal...
- Cross section through the lumbar section (L1) of the spinal cordCross section through the lumbar section (L1)...
- Section of the spinal cord and spinal roots showing the 3 layers of the meningesSection of the spinal cord and spinal...
- An unmyelinated and a myelinated nerve cellAn unmyelinated and a myelinated nerve cell
- Anatomy of a nerveAnatomy of a nerve
- Network of nerve cellsNetwork of nerve cells
- A nerve cell with synaptic vesicles, a synaps on a postsynaptic dentrite showing the synaptic cleftA nerve cell with synaptic vesicles, a...
- Circulation of cerebrolspinal fluidCirculation of cerebrolspinal fluid
- Medial surface of the brain, spinal cord within the cranium in a boyMedial surface of the brain, spinal cord...
- Medial surface of the brain, spinal cord within the craniumMedial surface of the brain, spinal cord...
- Medial surface of the cerebrumMedial surface of the cerebrum
- Lateral veiw of the brain and spinal cordLateral veiw of the brain and spinal...
- Medial surface of the brain and spinal cordMedial surface of the brain and spinal...
- Frontal view of the the skull and brain showing the placement of an epidural hematomaFrontal view of the the skull and...
- Creative and logical sides of the brainCreative and logical sides of the brain
- Cross section through the forebrain at mid-thalamusCross section through the forebrain at mid-thalamus
- Lateral view of the brain showing cerebral lobesLateral view of the brain showing cerebral...
- Lateral viw of the brain showing the ventriclesLateral viw of the brain showing the...
- Lateral view of the brain showing the placement of the basal ganglionLateral view of the brain showing the...
- Lateral view of the brain showing cerebral lobesLateral view of the brain showing cerebral...
- Lateral veiw of the brainLateral veiw of the brain
- Lateral view of the brain and spinal cordLateral view of the brain and spinal...
- Anterior view of the central and peripheral nervous system and an enlargement of a peripheral nerveAnterior view of the central and peripheral...
- Lateral view of the central and peripheral nervous systemLateral view of the central and peripheral...
- Anterior view of the central and peripheral nervous systemAnterior view of the central and peripheral...
- Frontal view of the brainFrontal view of the brain
- 4 common areas where the brain tissue can herniate4 common areas where the brain tissue...
- Knee jerkKnee jerk
- Sagittal section through the spinal columnSagittal section through the spinal column
- Lateral view of 3 lumbar vertebrae showing the spinal cord and the spinal nervesLateral view of 3 lumbar vertebrae showing...
- Different types of nerve cellsDifferent types of nerve cells
- Superior view of the lumbar vertebraSuperior view of the lumbar vertebra
- Superior view of the cervical vertebraSuperior view of the cervical vertebra
- Lateral view of the brain showing different causes of a cerebral strokeLateral view of the brain showing different...
- Ventral view of the brain showing the 12 pairs of cranial nervesVentral view of the brain showing the...
- Somatotopic map of the body surface onto the primary somatosensory cortex and primary motor cortexSomatotopic map of the body surface onto...
- Lateral view of the brain and spinal cordLateral view of the brain and spinal...
- Lateral veiw of the brain showing major sensory, motor and association areas of the cortexLateral veiw of the brain showing major...
- Concussion results from a blow to the headConcussion results from a blow to the...

Anterior view of the a female showing the placement of the external, middle and inner ears. Enlargem
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