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- The lymphatic system showing an enlarged lymphnodeThe lymphatic system showing an enlarged lymphnode
- the lymphatic systemthe lymphatic system
- Triggering av t-lymphocyte and production of antibodiesTriggering av t-lymphocyte and production of antibodies
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- The lymphatic system with lymphatic vessels and organs in a maleThe lymphatic system with lymphatic vessels and...
- The lymphatic system with lymphatic organs ine a maleThe lymphatic system with lymphatic organs ine...
- The thymusThe thymus
- The spleen and its vesselsThe spleen and its vessels
- Major lymph nodes in relationship to the major veins and areteries in the truncusMajor lymph nodes in relationship to the...
- The lymphatic system in a female with an enlarged area with lymph nodesThe lymphatic system in a female with...
- The lymphatic system with lymphatic vessels and organs in a maleThe lymphatic system with lymphatic vessels and...
- The lymphatic system with lymphatic vessels and organs in a maleThe lymphatic system with lymphatic vessels and...
- Cross section of a lymph nodeCross section of a lymph node
- Lymph nodes and vessels in the face and neckLymph nodes and vessels in the face...

The lymphatic system
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