- Superior view of the pelvic organsSuperior view of the pelvic organs
- cross section of a kidneycross section of a kidney
- kidney with blood vesselskidney with blood vessels
- Displacement of organs during pregnancyDisplacement of organs during pregnancy
- lateral view of female organsystemslateral view of female organsystems
- cystocelecystocele
- kidney stoneskidney stones
- 3 common sites for impaction or obstruction of ureteric stones3 common sites for impaction or obstruction...
- the urinary systemthe urinary system
- Orthotopic ileal neobladder (Studer pouch)Orthotopic ileal neobladder (Studer pouch)
- continent cutaneous urinary diversion (CCD)continent cutaneous urinary diversion (CCD)
- Ileal conduit urinary diversion- Bricker bladderIleal conduit urinary diversion- Bricker bladder
- nerve innervation of the pelvic region of a malenerve innervation of the pelvic region of...
- Kidney transplantKidney transplant
- Nephrostomy tube and drainage bagNephrostomy tube and drainage bag
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney showing its blood supplyLongitudinal section of the left kidney showing...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in a female in relationship to the aorta and inferior vena cavaAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Anterior view of the testicles, ductus deferens, and the urinary system in a maleAnterior view of the testicles, ductus deferens,...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in a maleAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Section through the bladder and pelvic floorSection through the bladder and pelvic floor
- Anterior view of the urinary systemAnterior view of the urinary system
- Simplified view of a cortical nephron with it«s blood supplySimplified view of a cortical nephron with...
- Section through the vagina, bladder, pubis and pelvic floor in a femaleSection through the vagina, bladder, pubis and...
- Simplified view of filtration through a nephronSimplified view of filtration through a nephron
- Section through a glomerulusSection through a glomerulus
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney showing hydronephrosisLongitudinal section of the left kidney showing...
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney showing chronic pyelonephritisLongitudinal section of the left kidney showing...
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney showing acute pyelonephritisLongitudinal section of the left kidney showing...
- Longitudinal section of the left kidneyLongitudinal section of the left kidney
- Longitudinal section of the left kidneyLongitudinal section of the left kidney
- Anterior view of the left kidneyAnterior view of the left kidney
- Lateral view of the urinary system of a femaleLateral view of the urinary system of...
- Lateral view of the urinary system of a maleLateral view of the urinary system of...
- Abdominal viscera on the abdominal dorsal wallAbdominal viscera on the abdominal dorsal wall
- Anterior view of the urinary system in a femaleAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in a maleAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Anterior view of the left kidneyAnterior view of the left kidney
- Left side shows an anterior view of the urinary systemLeft side shows an anterior view of...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in relationship to the pelvis in a femaleAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Anterior view of the bladder and prostate gland in relationship to the pelvis in a maleAnterior view of the bladder and prostate...
- Longitudinal section of the right kidney showing its blood supplyLongitudinal section of the right kidney showing...
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney showing its blood supplyLongitudinal section of the left kidney showing...
- A cortical nephron with its blood supplyA cortical nephron with its blood supply
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney with kidney stones in the renal pelvis and proximal ureterLongitudinal section of the left kidney with...
- Longitudinal section of the left kidney showing its arterial blood supplyLongitudinal section of the left kidney showing...
- Longitudinal section of the right kidney showing its blood supplyLongitudinal section of the right kidney showing...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in relationship to the aorta and inferior vena cavaAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in relationship to the pelvis in a femaleAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Sagittal section of the male pelvis with the urethra highlightedSagittal section of the male pelvis with...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in relationship to the skeleton in a maleAnterior view of the urinary system in...
- Anterior view of the urinary system in relationship to the skeleton in a maleAnterior view of the urinary system in...

Sagittal section through the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and vagina
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