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- Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation (CPR)Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation (CPR)
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- adult vocal cordsadult vocal cords
- epiglottitisepiglottitis
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- lateral view of the nasal cavity with sinuseslateral view of the nasal cavity with...
- EthmoiditisEthmoiditis
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- ausculation with a stethescope for heart and lungsausculation with a stethescope for heart and...
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- How to administer the Heimlich maneuver on an adultHow to administer the Heimlich maneuver on...
- proceedure for Choking; How to administer the Heimlich maneuver on an adultproceedure for Choking; How to administer the...
- How to administer the Heimlich maneuver on a childHow to administer the Heimlich maneuver on...
- first aid stable side positionfirst aid stable side position
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- lateral view of female organsystemslateral view of female organsystems
- Patient with oxygen maskPatient with oxygen mask
- patient in bed on a respirator with a maskpatient in bed on a respirator with...
- PleuritisPleuritis
- gas exchange in muscle cellsgas exchange in muscle cells
- Thoracic drain placementThoracic drain placement
- how to use a stethoscopehow to use a stethoscope
- Tracheal intubationTracheal intubation
- inhaler for children with asthmainhaler for children with asthma
- salivary glandssalivary glands
- upper respiratory tract sagital viewupper respiratory tract sagital view
- tonguetongue
- CPAP mask for snoringCPAP mask for snoring
- frontal section through larynxfrontal section through larynx
- upper respiratory tract sagital view and posterior viewupper respiratory tract sagital view and posterior...
- oropharynxoropharynx
- hypopharynxhypopharynx
- nasopharynxnasopharynx
- Intubation of newbornIntubation of newborn
- tongue blocking airwaytongue blocking airway
- Free airways first aidFree airways first aid
- regurgitationregurgitation
- ausculating the chestausculating the chest
- chest tube and pneumothoraxchest tube and pneumothorax
- Sagittal section of nasal cavity and pharynx viewed from the medial sideSagittal section of nasal cavity and pharynx...
- Anterior veiw of the lungs in relationship to the rib cage (right) and pleural cavity (left)Anterior veiw of the lungs in relationship...
- Lateral view of the head showing sagittal section of the nasal cavity and pharynxLateral view of the head showing sagittal...
- Sagittal section of the nasal cavity and pharynx of a child viewed from the medial sideSagittal section of the nasal cavity and...
- Muscles used during respirationMuscles used during respiration
- Lateral view of the upper respiratory tract and an anterior view of the lower respiratory tract withLateral view of the upper respiratory tract...
- Tracheostomy with tube in placeTracheostomy with tube in place
- The 2 enlargements show on the bottom alveoli with emphysema and on the top normal alveoliThe 2 enlargements show on the bottom...
- Frontal view of the paranasal sinusesFrontal view of the paranasal sinuses
- Frontal view of the paranasal sinuses in relationship to the skullFrontal view of the paranasal sinuses in...
- Lateral view of the paranasal sinuses in relationship to the skullLateral view of the paranasal sinuses in...
- Terminal bronchiole with elastic fibers terminating in alveolar sacs.Terminal bronchiole with elastic fibers terminating in...
- Mucosal membraneMucosal membrane
- Collapsed right lung (pneumothorax) with drainCollapsed right lung (pneumothorax) with drain
- Muscles used during respirationMuscles used during respiration
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between an alveolus and a capillaryOxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between an...
- Simplified anterior view of the trachea and lungs with the bronchial tree visibleSimplified anterior view of the trachea and...
- Inhalation and expirationInhalation and expiration
- Anterior view of the lower respiratory tract in a childAnterior view of the lower respiratory tract...
- Epiglottitis showing inflammation of the epiglottisEpiglottitis showing inflammation of the epiglottis
- The laryngeal mask airway (LMA)The laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
- Tracheal intubation is the placement of a flexible plastic tube into the tracheaTracheal intubation is the placement of a...
- Intubation with a tracheal tubeIntubation with a tracheal tube
- Posterior view showing the function of the vocal chords in the larynx during speechPosterior view showing the function of the...
- Frontal view of the paranasal sinusesFrontal view of the paranasal sinuses
- Lateral view of the nasal cartilagesLateral view of the nasal cartilages
- Lateral view of the upper respiratory tract and an anterior view of the lower respiratory tract. TheLateral view of the upper respiratory tract...
- Anterior view of the lower respiratory tract in relationship to the heart and its major vesselsAnterior view of the lower respiratory tract...
- Anterior view of the lower respiratory tract in a maleAnterior view of the lower respiratory tract...
- Sagittal section of the nasal cavity and pharynx viewed from the medial sideSagittal section of the nasal cavity and...
- Lateral view of the upper respiratory tract and an anterior view of the lower respiratory tract in rLateral view of the upper respiratory tract...
- Anterior view of the lower respiratory tract with the bronchial tree visibleAnterior view of the lower respiratory tract...
- Inhalation and expirationInhalation and expiration
- Anterior view of the lower respiratory tractAnterior view of the lower respiratory tract
- Cross section of the thorax showing the mediastinum in relationship to the lungs and pleuraeCross section of the thorax showing the...
- Sagittal section of the nasal cavity and pharynx viewed from the medial sideSagittal section of the nasal cavity and...
- Lateral view of the skull, vertebral column and rib cageLateral view of the skull, vertebral column...
- Lateral view of the skull, vertebral column and rib cageLateral view of the skull, vertebral column...
- Lateral view of the rib cage showing the external intercostal musclesLateral view of the rib cage showing...
- Lateral view of the rib cage showing the lower border of right lung before expirationLateral view of the rib cage showing...
- Carbon dioxide transportCarbon dioxide transport
- Oxygen transportOxygen transport
- Terminal bronchiole with elastic fibers with network of capillaries surrounding the alveoliTerminal bronchiole with elastic fibers with network...
- Anterior view of the bronchial tree terminating in alveoliAnterior view of the bronchial tree terminating...
- Lateral view of the upper respiratory tract and an anterior view of the lower respiratory tractLateral view of the upper respiratory tract...
- Anterior view of the heart and lungs showing the blood supply to the lungsAnterior view of the heart and lungs...
- cross section of a normal bronchus (left) and bronchus with bronchitis (right)cross section of a normal bronchus (left)...
- cross section of a normal bronchus (left) and a bronchus with asthma (right)cross section of a normal bronchus (left)...
- Anterior view of the heart and lungs showing the blood supply to the lungsAnterior view of the heart and lungs...
- Anterior view of the lower respiratory tract with the bronchial tree visible.Anterior view of the lower respiratory tract...

Anterior view of a female
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