- Lymph nodes in the groin of a maleLymph nodes in the groin of a...
- lymphatic drainage of the vulva in relation to the blood vesselslymphatic drainage of the vulva in relation...
- Invitro fertilization techniqueInvitro fertilization technique
- Displacement of organs during pregnancyDisplacement of organs during pregnancy
- lateral view of female organsystemslateral view of female organsystems
- testicle and seminiferous tubulestesticle and seminiferous tubules
- cystocelecystocele
- rectocelerectocele
- prolapsed uterusprolapsed uterus
- normal female reproductive system sagital sectionnormal female reproductive system sagital section
- external genitalia of an older femaleexternal genitalia of an older female
- 6, 9 and 12 week fetus6, 9 and 12 week fetus
- 12 week fetus12 week fetus
- 9 week fetus9 week fetus
- 6 week fetus6 week fetus
- Lovset maneuver for breech birthLovset maneuver for breech birth
- external female genitalia with pelvis and pelvic floor musclesexternal female genitalia with pelvis and pelvic...
- pelvic exam - gynecological exampelvic exam - gynecological exam
- gynocological ultrasound probe in vaginagynocological ultrasound probe in vagina
- male reproductive systemmale reproductive system
- nerve innervation of the pelvic region of a malenerve innervation of the pelvic region of...
- pregnancypregnancy
- 9 week old monozygote twins9 week old monozygote twins
- 9 week old dizygote twins9 week old dizygote twins
- Prostate cancerProstate cancer
- fertilizationfertilization
- Femidom for contraceptionFemidom for contraception
- IUD for contraceptionIUD for contraception
- Cervical cap for contraceptionCervical cap for contraception
- diaphram for contraceptiondiaphram for contraception
- Silicon implant for breast reconstructionSilicon implant for breast reconstruction
- Blood supply to TRAM-flapBlood supply to TRAM-flap
- Breast reconstruction with m. Latissimus dorsi flapBreast reconstruction with m. Latissimus dorsi flap
- TRAM-flapTRAM-flap
- birth processbirth process
- woods maneuver - shoulder dystociawoods maneuver - shoulder dystocia
- normal anatomy and female circumcisionnormal anatomy and female circumcision
- female circumcisionfemale circumcision
- birth processbirth process
- fertilization, cellular multiplication and implantationfertilization, cellular multiplication and implantation
- fetus with the head in a flexed position in the pelvisfetus with the head in a flexed...
- episiotomyepisiotomy
- Palpation of cervix and posterior fontanel during second stage of laborPalpation of cervix and posterior fontanel during...
- Pinard Fetal StethoscopePinard Fetal Stethoscope
- cervical cancercervical cancer
- cervical dysplasiacervical dysplasia
- The menstrual cycleThe menstrual cycle
- relaxed and erigated uncircumcised penisrelaxed and erigated uncircumcised penis
- circumcision of the peniscircumcision of the penis
- Ovarian cancerOvarian cancer
- anterior view of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovariesanterior view of the uterus, fallopian tubes...
- longitudinal and cross section of the uteruslongitudinal and cross section of the uterus
- anterior view of the uterus, vagina and ovariesanterior view of the uterus, vagina and...
- breast cancerbreast cancer
- anterior view of penis with forskinanterior view of penis with forskin
- Sagittal section through the pelvis of a 9-year-old boy showing penis, prostate gland and bladderSagittal section through the pelvis of a...
- Anterior view of a non-circumcised and a circumcised penisAnterior view of a non-circumcised and a...
- IntercourseIntercourse
- Sagittal section through the uterusSagittal section through the uterus
- Sagittal section through the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and vaginaSagittal section through the uterus, fallopian tubes,...
- Inguinal herniaInguinal hernia
- BartholinitisBartholinitis
- Genital warts caused by the human papilloma virusGenital warts caused by the human papilloma...
- External female genitalia, vulvaExternal female genitalia, vulva
- Sperm cellSperm cell
- Anterior view of a female showing the internal reproductive organsAnterior view of a female showing the...
- BreastfeedingBreastfeeding
- Female surgical steralizationFemale surgical steralization
- the testis with seminiferous tubules and ductus deferensthe testis with seminiferous tubules and ductus...
- Mammary gland with gland lobules, ampulla, lactiferous ducts, nipple and areaolaMammary gland with gland lobules, ampulla, lactiferous...
- Male surgical steralizationMale surgical steralization
- Male surgical steralizationMale surgical steralization
- Inguinal herniaInguinal hernia
- Surface protusion of an inguinal herniaSurface protusion of an inguinal hernia
- the testis with seminiferous tubules and ductus deferensthe testis with seminiferous tubules and ductus...
- Sperm cellSperm cell
- A section of the seminiferous tubule showing spermatogonia near the periphery and mature spermatozoaA section of the seminiferous tubule showing...
- Sagittal section through the male pelvis showing an errigated penisSagittal section through the male pelvis showing...
- IntercourseIntercourse
- Female surgical steralizationFemale surgical steralization
- A median longitudinal section through a 9-year-old female pelvisA median longitudinal section through a 9-year-old...
- Uterine palationUterine palation
- Location of different myomas or uterine fibroidsLocation of different myomas or uterine fibroids
- Frontal view of the female reproductive system showing ovulationFrontal view of the female reproductive system...
- Placement of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries in a femalePlacement of the uterus, fallopian tubes and...
- Uterus, fallopian tubes and ovariesUterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries
- Breast exam, palpating gland lobules with a clockwise circular motion while standingBreast exam, palpating gland lobules with a...
- Breast exam, palpating gland lobules with a clockwise circular motion while lying downBreast exam, palpating gland lobules with a...
- Breast exam, palpating axillary lymph nodes while standingBreast exam, palpating axillary lymph nodes while...
- Lymphatic drainage from mammary glandsLymphatic drainage from mammary glands
- Sagittal section through the male pelvisSagittal section through the male pelvis
- Sagittal section through the male pelvis showing suprapubic catheterizationSagittal section through the male pelvis showing...
- Sagittal section through the male pelvisSagittal section through the male pelvis
- Sagittal section through the male pelvisSagittal section through the male pelvis
- A median longitudinal section through the female pelvisA median longitudinal section through the female...
- Lymphatic drainage from left breastLymphatic drainage from left breast
- Breast cancerBreast cancer
- Anterior view of a male pelvis showing the realtionship of the bladder, prostate gland and urethra tAnterior view of a male pelvis showing...
- Sagittal section through the male pelvis. The enlargement shows the prostate glandSagittal section through the male pelvis. The...
- Schematic diagram of an ovarySchematic diagram of an ovary

Lymph nodes and vessels in the face and neck
in relationship to the trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid muscles
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