- Gastrostomy with PEG and G-TubeGastrostomy with PEG and G-Tube
- Gastric Sleeve til RYGB revisionGastric Sleeve til RYGB revision
- one-anastomosis gastric bypassone-anastomosis gastric bypass
- Single anastomosis sleeve ileal (SASI) bypassSingle anastomosis sleeve ileal (SASI) bypass
- before and after gastrostomybefore and after gastrostomy
- Gastric sleeve surgeryGastric sleeve surgery
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgeryRoux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
- One—anastomosis gastric bypass surgeryOne—anastomosis gastric bypass surgery
- Lower igestive tract with vesselsLower igestive tract with vessels
- Common variable immunodeficiencyCommon variable immunodeficiency
- Esophageal dialationEsophageal dialation
- Measureing the pH balance of the stomach contentMeasureing the pH balance of the stomach...
- normal anatomy of liver,gallbladder, spleen & pancreas with vesselsnormal anatomy of liver,gallbladder, spleen & pancreas...
- normal anatomy of digestive systemnormal anatomy of digestive system
- malrotation- volvulus repair by cutting the Ladd´s bands by rotating both small and large intestinemalrotation- volvulus repair by cutting the Ladd´s...
- The digestive system in a manThe digestive system in a man
- The digestive system in a childThe digestive system in a child
- Esophogeal cancer and repair by removing the cancerous part and replacing it with the stomachEsophogeal cancer and repair by removing the...
- Displacement of organs during pregnancyDisplacement of organs during pregnancy
- lateral view of female organsystemslateral view of female organsystems
- liver with blood supply, gall bladder, stomach and pancreasliver with blood supply, gall bladder, stomach...
- ulcersulcers
- gastric bypassgastric bypass
- arterial blood supply to liver, stomach and spleenarterial blood supply to liver, stomach and...
- food in stomachfood in stomach
- Stomach with contentStomach with content
- GastroscopyGastroscopy
- peptic stomach ulcer with blood in the stomach lumenpeptic stomach ulcer with blood in the...
- peptic stomach ulcerpeptic stomach ulcer
- Cells of the stomach liningCells of the stomach lining
- Pyloric stenosisPyloric stenosis
- StomachStomach
- Outer surface of stomachOuter surface of stomach
- Bleeding peptic stomach ulcerBleeding peptic stomach ulcer
- Esophageal refluxEsophageal reflux
- GastroscopyGastroscopy
- GastroscopyGastroscopy
- Digestive system, organ, tissue, cellDigestive system, organ, tissue, cell
- Stomach with contractionsStomach with contractions
- Gastroscopy of the stomach with a fiber-optic instrumentGastroscopy of the stomach with a fiber-optic...
- Four sections of the stomachFour sections of the stomach

Adrenal gland
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